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About Keenevo Stands for Keen Evolution,

We all come to work to find the links between sciences and industries to achieve Keen ways of Evolution while we are developing our main home planet. Our commitment to clients is considering sustainability of our environment with our products and for this purpose we do our best to bring all Wise Human resources, Manufactures and State of art of technology together. Currently our main fields of products are as follow: Sustainable energy (Electricity and Synthetic Fuel) M.A.S.S Products (Material Handling Equipment Automation and Sustainable Systems),

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Pooya Maghsoud

President and Founder

About President,

Pooya Maghsoud Drives Keenevo’s strategic vision, before Keenevo Pooya had leadership of Invention team of Laboratories Artificial Rabbit, He had released computer automation software and more than a decade experience in heavy duty machines manufacturers industries.


One of the main vision for Keenevo is to be in touch with Scientific centers and updating knowledge to produce innovative products.


Using highest tecnology and quality of components for our products as well as checking production procedure according to the latest vesion of ISO 9001 is our obligation to our clients.


We believe that well-known brand will not only fulfill by producing good quality of products but also after sale service play a very important role for this matter so we will always be by your side while using our products in its life time.